Nirmana Fest Kauai October 18-24

Event Details

When: October 18 to 24, daytime
Location: Lihue, Ewalu and Rice Streets
Organizer: Nirmanu
Contact: Seth Womble

Event Description

One week will be dedicated to the collaboration of Kauai artists adorning local walls with murals. From October 18th-24th (2020), 5 teams of resident artists will be assigned to 5 different walls along Ewalu and Rice Streets. During that week artists will work together to create murals, give “live-feed” talks and display/sell their work through a gallery exhibition. Out of respect for the current pandemic, we will not be hosting any gatherings or after parties. We will be documenting the mural making process and releasing videos throughout the week. ​ This event will not only help bring life to Lihue, it will highlight the creative talent, businesses and colorful nature of Kauai, while giving locals and visitors something unique to look forward to. ​ This inaugural year is most unique as a collaborative mural event where multigenerational artists will work together for the first time to help revitalize the Rice Street area. As an annual event, the walls can be updated yearly, to keep fresh and exciting. With growth, more walls, teams and communities can be added. As the event expands, it will include all types of artists, musicians, chefs, moviemakers, fashion and designers… etc… all things creative Kauai.