When: May 3rd, 7:30 am to Noon
Location: Vidinha Stadium, Lihue
Organizer: HLTA Kauai Chapter
Telephone: (808) 652-5425
Website: https://www.charitywalkhawaii.org/kauai
The Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association (HLTA), Kauai Chapter is planning its annual charity walk for May 3rd starting at Vidinha Stadium in Lihue. Who can participate? Anybody! You do not have to be a hotel employee, or a member of the HLTA, or part of the visitor industry. Visitors welcome. Invite family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, clients, schools, or clubs. This is a fun walk with great aid stations and entertainment. All proceeds benefit more than 60 charities on Kauai. Walkers enjoy entertaining aid stations, a post-walk breakfast and entertainment and prizes.
From March 5th to May 7th, there will be a live on On-Air Auctions heard on Kong FM 93.5! Our auctions will take place during Ron Wiley’s morning show from 6:30 to 8 a.m.
Kaua’i is all about ‘ohana. ‘Ohana extending beyond immediate family to include friends, neighbors and co-workers. The annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk raises funds to help Kauai’s communities through programs from keiki (children) to kupuna (elderly) and everything in between.
Go here to register: https://hltakauai.org/charity-walk/
Charity Walk Route