U.S. Air Force Band Live “Small Kine” Performance — May 29th

Event Details

When: May 29th, 4 p.m.
Location: Coconut Plantation Marketplace
Organizer: U.S. Airforce Small Kine Band

Event Description

Don’t miss the U.S. Air Force Band’s open live performance at Coconut Plantation Marketplace on Saturday May 29th on it’s tour of Kauai over the Memorial Day Weekend.

From The Garden Island: Kauai families and residents will have an opportunity to enjoy the U.S. Air Force Band of the Pacific’s popular music ensemble, Small Kine, when the group performs a community outreach tour on the island from Thursday through May 31, said Mary Kay Hertog, a retired Air Force general who is commandant of the Kaua‘i Veterans Council.“These men and women are all members of the Air Force and are outstanding musicians,” Hertog said. “Don’t miss this opportunity to see and hear them perform. ”The Kaua‘i tour will have the group performing at five different locations around the island, starting Thursday at Shenanigans at the U.S. Navy Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands near Kekaha. That performance begins at 6 p.m.Friday, Small Kine moves to the food court at Kukui Grove Center starting at 6 p.m. with a preface on the meaning of Memorial Day. On Saturday, the band performs at the Coconut Marketplace starting at 4 p.m. Sunday’s performance takes place in the Old Koloa Town at 3 p.m. The tour closes Monday when Small Kine will be at the Pau Hana Market at Kukui Grove Center starting at 3:30 p.m